We can assist business owners
Protect their Business name, Logo, and Slogans
through trademark registration.
Why hire a trademark attorney?
A trademark is a valuable asset to any business. The process of registering a trademark can be tedious and require legal research. A skilled trademark attorney will assist you in securing your registration, resulting in reduced risk of trademark rejection and avoiding potential costly re-filing fees. Filing fees are $225-$275 per application per class. The USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) website itself states that they recommend you hire an attorney to complete the process.
Did you know?
Being in the same location as your trademark attorney has no effect on your trademark registration. Although Guilarte Law is located in Maryland, we can assist with Trademark registration for anyone located anywhere within the United States.
The Process
Allow us to help you from start to finish for a flat rate fee
The trademark process entails the following:
- Trademark search & opinion letter
- File trademark application
- Respond to any office actions
- Trademark published for opposition
- Trademark registered
1. Filing an LLC or owning a website domain name will protect my brand from other businesses. FICTION
2. A trademark registration only protects your mark for use in a particular class of goods or services? FACT
3. I can only file for a trademark in one class. FICTION
4. The same “mark” can be filed in different classes? FACT
5. I can’t file a trademark yet because I have not started my business. FICTION
6. Improper use of the federal registration symbol, ® that is deliberate and intends to deceive or mislead the public or the USPTO is fraud? FACT
7. As long as I continue to use my mark in relation to the goods or services offered, and file the required renewals my trademark can last for an eternity? FACT
8. My U.S. federally registered trademark will protect me in other countries? FICTION
9. The general time frame to register a trademark is 6-12 months. FACT
10. A specimen is a real-world example of how you are using your trademark on goods or in the offer of services. FACT